Final available in showreel:
I have always been interested in facial animation workflows. I have currently implemented a solution for facial motion capture in Blender along with development of a custom plugin to apply bones to tracking information. In future I aim to add tension/wrinkle maps to this workflow to accentuate the realism and believability of my facial animation.
Python Face-Cap Tool
Early UI sketch

Script & Github
Pyro Candle Simulation
Final Render
Nuke Compositing Workflow

Test Render
My goal was to create recreate 'The Magic Mirror on the Wall' from Shrek. I set out to do this using motion capture and Blender.
I knew the original performance was originally done through use of motion capture.
So I began by using multiple reference videos for the piece.
I stabilised and isolated the data in Adobe After Effects to make it easier for facial tracking.

I then scanned and generated a 3D mesh of my actors face.
I used the tracking data from my original footage and superimposed it on the face mesh which deformed it.

Applies tracker info to empty bones.

First projection
Pre-rendered Scene