I was part of a trade delegation to South East Asia with Lane Street Studios to present my film to industry leaders and ambassadors.

I received a Jade Buddha at the floating markets. I decided this would serve as the basis for two contrasting lighting setups using Unreal Engine 5 and Houdini. I was responsible for all aspects of this project showcasing skills in lighting, FX simulation, layout and compositing.

Moodboard Ideation.
Concept photobash
Custom Photogrammetry Artefacts (Reality Capture)
Houdini Skull disintegration using displacement of primitives.
Malaysia and Thailand Business Delegation with Lane Street Studios.
Meeting with the Governor of Bangkok ​​​​​​​Chadchart Sittipunt
Lane Street Stduios:https://www.lanestreetstudios.com/news/hello-southeast-asia
Meeting with Senthil Balan Ex-Uber Chief of Business Strategy as well as a discussion on the future of AI in the entertainment industry from Nikora Ngaropo.
Original Jade Buddha inspiration.
Block out of day scene
Block out of night scene
Development of day scene in Unreal Engine 5
Development of night scene in Unreal Engine 5 using Niagara FX
Photoscan of my face using a Volume scanner
Cleanup in Blender
Import to UE5
Final Metahuman character used in final sequence
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